Pharmaceutical Returns Service - Comprehensive, Cost Effective and Conscientious

Reporting Information

PRS utilizes some of the most sophisticated software in the business to generate a complete tracking picture for you of each item returned. Request a 16-page Sample Report via online form or simply call our office at (800) 215-5878 or (630) 277-8337 and well immediately fax or mail a set to you.

Report Description

Non-Saleable Write-Off Report

This report refers to the items in a job that are non-returnable waste. The dollar total represents money that you have lost and should use as a tax write-off. This report should be provided to your accountant.

Credit Tracking Report

PRS provides complete credit reconciliation on any job, upon request. The Credit Tracking Report will help you keep track of what you receive from the manufacturers, and in what form you receive credit. This will be a valuable tool to both you and PRS in tracking and following up on credits as they arrive. (Please note that the manufacturer's telephone number is listed next to their name if you'd like to call them with any concerns about your credit).

Returned Products Detail

This gives you an itemized list of drugs that will be returned to each manufacturer for credit. In addition to the drug detail and pricing, you are provided with the manufacturer as well as any third party information that may apply. This report provides the detail necessary to understand each credit being issued from the manufacturer.

Non-Returnable Products Detail

This provides a detailed list of all drugs in your return job that are not credit-worthy, and will be destroyed FREE of charge. Scheduled drugs will also be listed separately from non-scheduled items.

Returned Scheduled Drugs

The DEA requires detailed tracking of all controlled drugs acquired and disposed of by all registrants, including 'from whom' they were purchased and 'to whom' they are given for disposal. This report provides you the complete detail regarding your scheduled drugs—including date tracking of shipments and to which manufacturer or third party your returnable drugs will be sent.

Non-Returnable Scheduled Drugs

All non-returnable scheduled drugs are 'witness-burned' every 45 days, and full detail of their destruction is reported to the DEA by PRS. This report provides proof for you of their destruction, and is utilized to reflect the end of the 'chain of liability' on controlled items.

Future Dated Products / Indated

To most efficiently pull outdates from your pharmacy—in order to maximize your return— we recommend pulling items two to three months in advance. Some of these items will not be returnable to the manufacturer for a short time due to their return policy. PRS holds these items in stock until such time they become returnable. When that window opens, you will be given the opportunity to add new items for a full return, or to simply return the remaining items.